HappyMakersBlog (4/5)

My daily work

I mentioned earlier that I gave myself the gift of a “creative sabbatical.” In 2015, I am focusing on my new HappyMakersBlog.com and using this as the starting point for my journey of creative discovery. A “sabbatical” may sound like a quiet year, but it’s far from it… What with the launch of HappyMakersBlog and my own company, my days are well and truly packed.

So far, four months of my sabbatical year have (already!) passed and I can say, with hand on my heart, that I really am very lucky. So many good opportunities have already come my way, which I previously wouldn’t have dared dream of.

The second PapierAtelier during the ShowUP exhibition.

The greatest opportunity I got was from FlavouritesLive and the ShowUP exhibition, without which the PapierAtelier wouldn’t have been possible. I have organized three PapierAteliers now, where I can bring the online world of my blog to life. Through a variety of workshops, you can get more acquainted with HappyMakersBlog as well as several Dutch illustrators, creative bloggers and (web) shops.

Don’t be under any illusions, it’s not all “bubbles and festivals,” it’s also plain old hard work. But as it’s very very nice work, we really make a party of it! (L to R): High tea at House of Dots, Party Meri Meri (detrendfabriek.nl) Bloggers workshop at Galerie Lucy and packaging by illustrator Kim Welling.

Laying down the creative concepts of HappyMakersBlog and PapierAtelier and implementing them is not just creative work, it also involves a great deal of organization. An idea is one thing, implementation is another.

I love Magazines

Don’t think that my love for magazines has melted away like snow in the sun, because it certainly hasn’t. I’m also busy working on a number of assignments for Flair magazine. As they are mainly concept assignments, I can’t show you anything just yet (unfortunately). I like that kind of work and so do it with pleasure. I’m looking for suitable new illustrators for the magazine and am brainstorming about the image concept for a new approach to DIY in Flair. At the moment, I’m creating mood boards each week for each edition, with color and style inspirations. And what’s more: we’re working on a new design for their Pinterest page.

Over the past few months, you would have seen things like the Christmas Countdown and Happy Valentines Week on the HappyMakersBlog. (From L to R) loveletterpress stamps, illustrations by Ruth Hengeveld, August and Oak, Happy cards that I put together for Flair, illustrations by Bigode, Ingrid Wuyster and Dorien Volbeda.

With HappyMakersBlog, I want to bring the work of (among others) designers, illustrators, inspiring creative bloggers and (web) shops to the attention of a wider audience. These eight gift tags came about through a joint collaboration with different artists: Geertje Aalders, Jansontwerpfabriek, Karenweening, Paperfuel, Marloes de Vries, Whisperingpaper, Letterpers and Chalkboard.

Photography: Bloominspiration.com

Hot off the press! For weeks, we have been bursting inside with pride, but ever since the third PapierAtelier, I can finally shout it out from the rooftops. Here they are: Eight beautiful gift tags that HappyMakersBlog has created in partnership with Letterpers.nl and the above-mentioned Dutch illustrators. The set is available to order now.

The workshops by Geertje Aalders, Poppy-red and Karen Weening and Wowgoods were a great success during the third PapierAtelier, which was held at the Seine Festival in Haarlem. Photography: Bloominspiration.com

As well as being this month’s guest blogger, I’m also this month’s guest pinner for Flow’s Pinterest page. On the Friends of Flow board, you’ll find pins linked to what I’ve blogged about here, as well as other HappyMakers.