Rachel Hazell (3/3)

Paper artist Rachel Hazell from Edinburgh will be writing our guestblog this month to tell us more about her work and adventures as ‘The Traveling Bookbinder’. In this third episode she shares her story about her workshop and you can join her by posting some paper love. 

This post was going to begin with Love Letters From Paris, but after the horrific events of Friday night, it is the other way round: We are here because art and beauty can counteract fear. So now the feeling is more about creating Love Letters TO Paris, in solidarity.

The folks around the table have transported themselves from the United States, Canada and Sweden. Have you read The Englishman Who Posted Himself And Other Curious Objects by John Tingey? It’s very funny… Unfortunately I think the regulations have changed a little since Reginald Bray was testing out the postal system in 1898.

I am all for posting paper love round the world, if you do too, here are instructions for one of the origami envelopes that the group learnt how to fold yesterday.
You will need a square of paper with different colours or patterns on each side. Of course I have picked some sheets from the Flow Book for Paper Lovers and cut them down to size.

Fold in quarters, straight edge to straight edge.

Fold points in to the middle.

Open out top and bottom.

Fold bottom point up to top crease, then fold that point down to the bottom middle.

Fold top point right down to the bottom, then partially open up and make a crease to line up with the lower triangle.

Finally fold the top point down to the middle, creating your heart!

Open out again, quickly scribble down your present passions, fold up, seal, and pop in the post.

***Please share your creations by tagging @flow_magazine and @paperhazell on Instagram!***

This weekend, Iona Man, the recipient of all my Love Letters, is coming to Paris for a special event: We shall celebrate our Togethering with books, billets doux, and bubbles.

Until we meet again, Love from Paris!