Rachel Hazell’s BookLove e-course

Are you a fan of paper, beautiful letters, small folding projects and bookbinding? Then we recommend you to take a look at the work of bookbinder Rachel Hazell from Edinburgh.

You may well have already come across Rachel and her work in Issue 18, or perhaps already attended one of her workshops, which she has been giving around the world for more than twenty years now. But she also gives BookLove e-courses online via her website, which you can follow from the comfort of your own home.


The next one starts on June 25th and lasts two weeks, during which Rachel will immerse you in a delicious world of alphabets, libraries and book art. With the help of videos, step-by-step instructions, downloadable printouts and support from a community of like-minded participants, you’ll get to design, write, make and bind your own books. And it doesn’t matter if you’re a complete novice or seasoned bookbinder, as Rachel’s expert advice and enthusiasm will alleviate any fears, stimulate your inner wordsmith and make the entire process a whole load of fun, from start to finish. You will receive a 10% discount by using the code FLOW10 while you register for the course.

  • For more information and to register for the course, visit Rachel’s website.