Sketching with Koosje

Illustrator Koosje Koene draws every day. Her tip? Keep it simple and start with the basics, such as a sketchbook and a pen. You’ll find more of Koosje’s drawing tips in the Flow Sketchbook, one of which we share with you below for our special Drawing Week.

Koosje: “Not sure where to start? Sketch some small frames onto your paper and in each one, draw a detail: a bicycle, a rain pipe, a bit of a roof. This is great to do when you have very little time.”

Every week, Koosje shares a drawing tip via YouTube, just like this video in which she draws with an eraser. You can also check out her website or Instagram account for more information. Koosje has also just started an online drawing course for the SketchBook Skool, together with five other illustrators.

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The Flow Sketchbook is now available to buy in stores and can be ordered from our web shop.