Stamp Addiction

One of our Flow issues contained a stamp how-to by Gertie Jaquet. I went for a stamp making workshop at her studio earlier this year to get the hang of it. Seemed pretty difficult, but it proved to be a cinch. All you really need is a small knife, a couple of erasers and you’re good to go. I busied myself with several small flowers, and a little stem, which you could turn into small bunches of flowers. For instance to use on a card. I was rather pleased with my efforts, but last weekend I came across these cool guys who were also making their own stamps, and putting their stamps on paper coffee cups which they used to sell coffee. Stamps depicting Einstein, knights, cowboys, each one better than the one before. I understood my own stamp adventure was far from over. P.s. I have no idea how these stamping baristas are called, so if anybody knows? Posted by: Jocelyn