The five minute journal: simple positivity

Though she has been using it for a while now, our online editor intern Moya has found extra comfort in the stability and positivity that The Five minute Journal has brought to her daily life during these uncertain times.

The Morning Routine

The five minute Journal helps you gather your thoughts before you do anything else. Before you pick up your phone to check your emails and social media, before you make your coffee, before you start compiling the list of things you need to do before leaving the house.

Before any of this, the book helps you think about three simple subjects that will help put you in a positive mentality for the rest of the day:

  • What are three things you’re grateful for?
  • What are three things you would like to accomplish today?
  • Write down a daily affirmation.

Having put these three things down on paper, you go into your day with your intentions set, conscious of the positive things in your life, and proud of yourself.

The Night Routine

Then, in the evening, after you have brushed your teeth, climbed into your cozy bed, and put away your phone, right before you turn off the light and go to sleep, you pick up the journal again, and write down two more things:

  • Three amazing things that happened today.
  • What could you have done differently?

This helps you process the day before falling asleep, which in turn helps you avoid mulling over all the tiny details of the day. Your answers don’t have to be dramatic, even writing about the stranger who smiled at you on the train, or that really good cup of coffee helps you appreciate the good moments in even the lesser good days.

The five minute journal also includes motivational quotes, and gives you weekly challenges that can help create a positive atmosphere for you and those around you (for example, Challenge 1: Write an appreciation letter to a friend, and give it to them).

If you don’t have time for a detailed journal or diary, this little gem is perfect to help bring the benefits that journaling has into your life anyway; all you need are five minutes.

  •  You can order The five minute journal here.

Text Moya Gorodecky  Photography Green Chameleon/