Astrid & Irene: share it

“How are you?” Lots of people ask that question—it can be a neighbor, a friend 
or someone writing you an email. And we usually answer that we’re fine. Because 
of course we’re fine! Also, we don’t like to complain. But just like for everyone else, life is sometimes not so fine. A dear friend dies. A co-worker experiences a heavy loss she has to deal with. Sisters become ill. Or we don’t physically feel 100 percent and our bodies step on the brakes.

That’s how these things go, because that’s life. For all of us. Acknowledging when things go well, rolling with the flow when it’s stormy, intervening when things become impossible to bear and dealing with what is in your path. We’ve had to learn that happiness is not a constant, that not everything has to be a success, and that life has light and dark sides and that they can coexist. Making Flow and reading all the stories from our freelancers about their non-perfect lives has certainly helped us to see that.


We also found some beautiful life lessons in Issue 29. In the opening story about treating life as an adventurous journey (and not lugging too much baggage with you), for example. And the story about how good it can be to be silent. Or the interview about dealing with loss.

Although the stories in this issue deal with a wide range of topics and subjects, reading through them all made us realize once again how wonderful it is to share. Not just material things, but also insights you’ve gained, uncertainties, great discoveries, good days, bad days, and all the stuff you’re learning as you go along—either by accident or the hard way.

We really believe in sharing. If you’re feeling unwell, lonely or insecure: share it. We share things with colleagues, with friends, with each other and sometimes with someone who has carried out research on the things that we struggle with. Because you can learn so much from each other’s stories. Hopefully this Flow will help you, too, with any of your small or big issues 
in life.
And if you have no one to share things with just now, you can always share it with us: and

Photography Danique van Kesteren