Book for Paper Lovers 8: Meet the designers

Book for Paper Lovers 8 designers

The Book for Paper Lovers 8  has been released into the world and we couldn’t be more excited. We asked some questions to the following four designers who created the main designs for the paper goodies in this book.

Yelena Bryksenkova

Lives in Montreal, Canada

I am: “An illustrator and fine artist who works with Acryla Gouache and colored pencils on paper.”

For this book, I made: “Some cheerful wrapping paper and stickers featuring pets, flowers, tea tins and vintage plates.”

My inspiration: “Antique herbariums, my personal collections of objects, and all of the cute dogs I see on my walks with my greyhound Leon.”

My paper passion: “Handmade Japanese papers with beautiful patterns. I love to make covers out of them for favorite books with boring covers.”

When they see my work, I hope people feel… “Warm and uplifted.”

You can follow Yelena on her website and Instagram @ybryksenkova.

Jen B. Peters

Lives in Los Angeles, US

I am: “An illustrator and designer.”

For this book, I made: “Surface patterns and illustrations.”

My inspiration: “I am endlessly inspired by color.”

My paper passion: “I love beautiful greeting cards.”

When they see my work, I hope people feel… “A little more cheerful.”

You can follow Jen on her website and Instagram @jenbpeters.

Maartje van den Noort

Lives in Amersfoort, the Netherlands

I am: “An illustrator and painter.”

For this book, I made: “A series of floral patterns and some additional drawings of plants and insects.”

My inspiration: “The nature I see around me.”

My paper passion: “Old (sketch) books, yellowed paper, beautiful craft printing and graphic design.”

When they see my work, I hope people feel… “A sense of wonder and attention for all the little things.”

You can follow Maartje on her website and Instagram @maartjevandennoort.

Marisol Ortega

Lives in Seattle, US

I am: “A Mexican-American designer and illustrator.”

For this book, I made: “Lots of big colorful watercolor floral patterns. I tend to be a maximalist so I wanted to make sure you felt all the love for florals and bright colors. I also illustrated some of my favorite go-to doodles: coffee cups, tiny flowers and hearts.”

My inspiration: “It has always been nature. I grew up living in a house full of plants and have always loved drawing flowers. I chose a few of my favorites, including cone flowers, cosmos, ranunculus and flowering gumnuts.”

My paper passion: “Paper is everything! I have a collection of handmade papers I always add to, simply for their texture and beauty. I also love finding vintage wallpaper samples and children’s books.”

When they see my work, I hope people feel… “Joy and uplifted by the color palette.”

You can follow Marisol on her website and Instagram @marisol.ortega.

  • You can order Book for Paper Lovers 8 here.

Photography Floor van Koert