The new issue of Flow Magazine is here! And just to pique your curiosity, we’ve listed a few of things you’ll find inside.
- Home work
Working from home comes with all sorts of pros, but also comes with some pitfalls. Journalist Jeannette Jonker goes in search of tips, tricks and insights from her co-home workers. - Back to old school
These days, virtually everyone is snap-happy using the camera on their smartphones to capture memories et al, giving rise to the nostalgic desire for the real work of actually looking, framing and, only then, clicking. - Home sweet home
Blogger Daan Rot and her family share their messy Pippi Longstocking-style house in Antwerp, Belgium, with blankets, drawings, musical instruments, records, books and secret hideouts. Welcome to the House of Chaos. - 5 steps to creativity
Otje van der Lelij shares insights and tips on how to unleash your inner creative. No matter how unartistic you are. - Flow extras: photo booklet and six prints
Issue 22 is now available in selected bookstores and in our shop.