Muralist Rachel Jackson improves spaces using paint

Rachel Jackson (32) is a muralist and DIY interior blogger. She lives in Vancouver, Washington, US with her husband and three children. She tells us about it in Issue 36.

What are you up to?

“I’m working on different projects, but am really excited about a mural I just finished. It is in a basement that hasn’t been touched since the ’70s, and is just wood paneling everywhere. I partnered with an Irish paint company, Curator, to bring some life down there and the space is a hundred times better now.”

How do you describe what you do?

“I improve spaces, using paint. It’s the easiest and cheapest way to change a room. And it can change the way you feel in your home, too. I think it is the most underutilized tool that we have. If you have an old kitchen, painting the cabinets and walls will really revitalize the space. And you feel more empowered when you have bold fun colors on your walls.”

How did you get started with this?

“I wanted some wallpaper in a room, but I couldn’t afford it. I had some leftover paints, so I used those to paint the wall and my husband made some drawings on a piece of paper, which I transferred onto the wall. This was the first mural in our home and the space immediately felt more like us. Before this, everything in the house was painted gray, because I wanted to have a home that was ‘mature’. But it didn’t reflect us and felt boring. So, now we have a more inspiring and creative place to live in.”

What does your work mean to you?

“Before this, I was a stay-at-home mom for six years. That was really hard for me, as I had postpartum depression. Once I started to put some energy in creating things, I became a much happier person. I feel alive and awake again, so my work is really important to me.”

How do you stay inspired?

“That can be hard at times, as there can be pressure to create. I have a very creative community on Instagram that I am constantly surrounded by. A lot of people share their projects, and I try to follow people that are creating in different ways than I am. The Internet makes it so easy to get inspired and be exposed to a creative world.”

  • Visit Rachel’s blog here.
  • Read more about what other creatives are up to in Issue 36.

Text Jeanette Jonker  Photography Rachel Jackson/