Guest blog 1 Pavinee aka Merryday

Pavinee Sripaisal – aka MerryDay – from Bangkok draws colorful and cheerful illustrations every day. This has brought her many good things. For Pavinee it has now even become a way of life. “I live my life happily: down with worries and with negative attitudes.” As our guest blogger this month, she tells Flow about her work and life in Thailand.


My name is Pavinee Sripaisal. I am a freelance graphic designer and illustrator, living and working in Bangkok, Thailand. I started MerryDay, an illustrated stationery design shop on Etsy, in 2010 intending to expand my world of graphic design into illustration field and that first step has brought so many good things into my life. When you work on what you love, you will have a merry day. That is what my sister told me when she named my brand: MerryDay.

At first, the name MerryDay was supposed to represent my merry time while making art. It took me some time before I realized that it was also the core that helped shaping my illustration style and my life in many ways. After a couple of years of learning and developing my drawing style, I begin to receive feedbacks from my followers saying that they feel happy when looking at my art. Then, it becomes my duty to live my life in a happy way, with less worries and less negative attitudes, because when your life is happy, your art will look happy too.

MerryDay does not only bring out my art style and happier life, it also helps me fight depression, fear and anxiety. If you wonder how a brand can help improve the life of its creator, come back next week and I will tell you about my draw everyday challenge and how it has changed my life 😉

In the meantime, you can follow my daily drawing updates at :