The illustrations of Becca Stadtlander

Becca Stadtlander

Becca Stadtlander lives in Kentucky, US and makes illustrations with a lot of color and texture. Becca about her work.

What are you up to?

“I’m currently finishing up a children’s project about Shakespeare, working on some paintings for an upcoming show and starting sketches for a new children’s book.”

What is typical about your style?

“I like to show a lot of detail, color and texture. I never really thought about what my style was going to be; it just developed organically by incorporating little bits of inspiration here and there.”

And where do you find your inspiration?

“In anything and everything I encounter just by living my life. Sometimes I think of my best ideas for paintings when I’m driving to the grocery store or sitting in the bath. If I’m feeling stumped, I get out all of my favorite art books and have a look through them, or I just have to walk away for a while and give myself a break.”

Can you explain what your work means to you?

“It’s one of the most important things in my life, especially because my identity is so wrapped up in it. I’m driven with every new project and every painting to make something beautiful. Sometimes it stresses me out and sometimes I get sick of it, but I know that can happen with any job, even a job you love. My studio is at home, so I’m alone when I work. Sometimes I miss the community of a shared studio space, but I’ve gotten used to my solitude and privacy and now I really enjoy it. My workspace is on the second floor and overlooks the city. I have a great view!”

  • See more of Becca’s work on her website.
  • Read the full interview with Becca Stadtlander in Issue 34.

Text Jeannette Jonker  Photography @beccastadtlander