Yelena’s day in illustrations

In the back of every issue, an artist tells us what her average day looks like in illustrations. In issue 15, that’s Yelena Bryksenkova (27), who was born in St. Petersburg, Russia, but grew up in the US.

She currently lives and works on the East Coast, in New Haven, Connecticut. “One of the rooms in my apartment is my studio,” she says. “It’s a very light room and I’m surrounded by all kinds of beautiful objects that inspire me in my work: plants, my favorite books and works of art. I always start my day by making a to-do list. Sometimes I get panicky when I think about all the things I have to do, and a list helps me feel on top of it all. And then there’s that great feeling you get when you cross something off your list…. I love listst!”

  • You can find the illustrations in issue 15, which is available in our shop.
  • You can take a look at Yelena’s work on her website.

Text Marije van der Haar-Peters Illustrations Yelena Bryksenkova
