How to deal with fear, according to Elizabeth Gilbert

In a time when there’s so little knowledge and with very little structure, it’s not at all surprising to occasionally feel fear. But how can you deal with it? Writer Elizabeth Gilbert has this advice.

“I’ve been invited to talk to you today a little bit about fear,” says Gilbert at the start of her talk, Facing fear with compassion, on Insight Timer, an app and online library for, among others, guided meditations. “I was more than happy to accept this invitation because, you see, fear and I are very, very old friends.” During her 22-minute audio clip, Gilbert tells us more about feelings like fear, what lessons she has learned and how you can deal with it yourself, with compassion. It also reminds us that at a time like this, humans are more creative, resilient and resourceful than we initially think.

  • You can listen to Gilbert’s talk here.
  • Flow’s Irene also explains how she handles her fears here.

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