We turn to IMDB when we can’t think of an actor playing in a movie, to Shazam when we can’t place a song and to PlantNet when we need to know the name of a flower. But what about when we can’t think of a word?
You know, when – mid-sentence – it just escapes you, it’s on the tip of your tongue, you can almost even see it written out in front of you, but you can’t quite grasp it? Well, next time you find yourself in that incredibly frustrating moment, go to chir.ag/projects/tip-of-my-tongue, where you have the option to type in part of the word, letters it ‘must’ or ‘can’t’ have, and the word’s meaning. Then hey, presto: It’ll offer up possible options to help you on your way.
Text Julia Gorodecky Photography Jason Leung/Unsplash.com