3 apps that help you go offline

It’s not always easy to ignore an e-mail that has just come in, or to leave your smartphone in your bag for a few hours. But nevertheless, more and more people are discovering how nice it is to be off the radar every now and then.  Three apps that can offer digital support.

  • Want to avoid digital interruptions? Open the Forest app and allow a tree to grow in 30 minutes-as long as you don’t close or leave the app.
  • Install Freedom on your computer, tablet or smartphone. It allows you to block websites and apps of your choice for set periods of time.
  • The Quality Time app gives you insight into how much time you spend on your smartphone and what exactly you are doing.*Flow introduces a Social Out of Office to let people on social media know you’re temporarily unavailable. Go to Flowmagazine.com/socialooo.

Text Jeannette Jonker Illustration Jennifer Orkin Lewis